Set against the stunning backdrop of the Alps, My Boyfriend El Fascista tells the true story of Matthias, a left-wing filmmaker, and Sadiel, an idealistic Cuban activist with seemingly endless energy. As Sadiel grapples with disappointment towards communist Cuba, his ideological shift towards right-wing beliefs strains his relationship with Matthias, who tries to remain coherent about his progressive ideals. Through the lens of Matthias’s camera, this intimate portrait captures their evolving relationship, mirroring political turmoil and personal transformation.
Matthias Lintner was born in 1987 in Bolzano. After graduating as a graphic designer, he dedicated himself to analogue photography and cinema. He shot music videos, co-founded the film collective and festival Astra la Vista, participated in art exhibitions and worked on film sets between Bolzano and Berlin, where he also attended the DFFB film school. His first feature documentary Property (2019) premiered at CPH:DOX and was selected to multiple festivals, including Sheffield Doc Film Festival, Formula Kino in Moscow, New Horizons in Wroclaw, Duisburger Filmwoche (where it got a honourable mention), Kasseler Dokfest, Achtung Berlin and DokKa in Karlsruhe.