Man and Dog

by Ştefan Constantinescu
Ştefan Constantinescu
Country / Year
Romania, Bulgaria, Sweden, Germany, 2022
Festivals, Sales


After a mysterious text message from an unknown number, Doru suddenly leaves his work in Göteborg and returns to his hometown in Romania with a growing load of jealousy on his back. The message claims that his wife is unfaithful and despite the evidence contradicting this he lets his anxiety grow to gigantic proportions and initiates on his own a meticulous investigation.


Ştefan Constantinescu (1968, Bucharest) is a Romanian filmmaker and artist. He works in mulitple mediums, including film, photography, artist books and painting. He has studied classical painting, film and video at the Bucharest Academy of Art and Film and at the Royal Art Academy in Stockholm. In 2009 he represented Romania at the Venice Biennale with the film Troleibuzul 92. In 2012 his short film Family Dinner screened in Semaine de la Critique in Cannes, and in 2013 his short film Six Big Fish premiered in the competition of the Locarno Film Festival. His feature length documentary My Beautiful Dacia (2009) went on to numerous international festivals (IDFA, Jihlava, Montreal, among others) and received the Jury Prize in Documenta Madrid. He’s currently working, alongside Corina Ilea, on the artists’ book Noah’s Ark – An Improbable Space Survival Kit.

    • Title
      Man and Dog
    • Rights
      Festivals, Sales
    • Countries
      Romania, Bulgaria, Sweden, Germany
    • Year
    • Length
    • Director
      Ştefan Constantinescu
    • Screenplay
      Andrei Epure, Ștefan Constantinescu, Jörgen Andersson
    • Editing
      Cătălin Cristuțiu
    • Photography
      Alexandru Solomon, R.S.C.
    • Sound
      Lars Wignell, Gustaf Berger, Alexandru Dumitru
    • Music
      Cristian Lolea
    • Production and Costume Designer
      Alma Alexandra Ungureanu
    • Cast
      Ana Ciontea, Bogdan Dumitrache, Cosmina Stratan, Dan Nutu, Liviu Pintileasa, Ofelia Popii, Oxana Moravec, Voica Oltean
    • Producers
      Ada Solomon, Diana Păroiu
    • Co-Producers
      Rossitsa Valkanova, Jörgen Andersson, Nina Frese, Peter Possne
    • Production
    • Co-Production
      KLAS Film, Doppelganger, Pandora Film
    • Göteborg International Film Festival 2022 – Nordic Light
    • Transilvania International Film Festival 2022 – Romanian Days Competition
    • Washington Romanian Film Festival 2022
    • Romanian Film Days Chisinau 2022
    • Romanian Film Festival UK London 2022 – Opening Title
    • Seattle Romanian Film Festival 2022
    • Torino Film Festival 2022 – Feature Film Competition
    • Stockholm European Film Festival 2022
    • Author Film Festival Belgrade 2022
    • Tbilisi International Film Festival 2022
    • Arizona Romanian Film Festival Tucson 2022
    • Sofia International Film Festival 2023 – Balkan Competition
    • Cinema Victoria Timișoara 2023 – Odiseea marțiană
    • Istanbul International Film Festival 2023 – Bests of Fests
    • EurAsia Film Festival Warsaw 2023 – Feature Film Competition
    • Reduta Cultural Centre Brasov 2023
    • Zita Folkets Bio Stockholm 2023
    • Romanian Culture Festival Krakow 2023
    • Kinoforum Białystok 2023
    • Centrum Kultury Zamek Kino Pałacowe Poznan 2023
    • Kino Nowe Horyzonty Wroclaw 2023
    • Cineteca Madrid Romanian Film Festival Spain 2024
    • Filmoteca Zaragoza Romanian Film Festival Spain 2024
    • CineCiutat Palma de Mallorca Romanian Film Festival Spain 2024
    • Ateneo de Santander Romanian Film Festival Spain 2024
    • Filmoteca Valencia Romanian Film Festival Spain 2024
    • Teatro Filarmónica Oviedo Romanian Film Festival Spain 2024
    • Transilvania International Film Festival 2022 – Special Mention Romanian Days Competition
    • Gopo Awards 2023 – Nomination Best Actor, Best Non Leading Actress, Best Sound
    • Gopo Awards 2023 – Best Actress in a Non Leading Role
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