DRY WIND and VARIAÇŌES / GUARDIAN ANGEL at the Florence Queer Festival October 4, 2020 Dry Wind and Variaçōes are part of the 2020 Florence Queer Festival, taking place, both physically and ONLINE, from October 13 to 18. Info: https://www.florencequeerfestival.it/ https://theopenreel.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/107851122_3558935734134773_4373780287409011027_o-scaled-1.jpg 2560 947 International Sales International Sales https://theopenreel.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/107851122_3558935734134773_4373780287409011027_o-scaled-1.jpg October 4, 2020 October 4, 2020
ALMA DEL DESIERTO, Special Mention in Rome December 9, 2024 ALMA DEL DESIERTO, Special Mention in Rome