WASTE AFRICA AT TURIN CINEMAMBIENTE May 22, 2014 Waste Africa by Matteo Lena is part of 17th Turin Cinemambiente Environmental Film Festival, taking place from May 31st to June 1st. The screening will take place on May 31st, at 10:30pm, at Turin Multisala Cinema Massimo, Venue n.3. info: http://www.cinemambiente.it https://theopenreel.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/cinemambiente-1.jpg 456 184 International Sales International Sales https://theopenreel.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/cinemambiente-1.jpg May 22, 2014 May 22, 2014
ALMA DEL DESIERTO, screening at the Reflets Ibero and Latin American Film Festival March 5, 2025 ALMA DEL DESIERTO, screening at the Reflets Ibero and Latin American Film Festival
ALMA DEL DESIERTO competing at CinéLatino Toulouse March 3, 2025 ALMA DEL DESIERTO competing at CinéLatino Toulouse